


Welcome to the homepage of the Dreamverse LPMud.

Dreamverse is a multi-player text-based game set in a high-magic fantasy genre. It has been running more or less continuously since 1996 and has been passed between several administrators. It has been pretty quiet on Dreamverse. The only person who occasionally codes on it is Hilapdatus, the current administrator. A few players, new and old, log in from time to time.

There has been a recent uptick in both Builder and Player activity. Inome has been hanging around for a few months and has fixed many bugs and implemented some cool new features. Several players, old and new, have also been quite active.

Please checkout the Player's Guide for more information. If you have registered an account on this site then you may log in and access the other Dreamverse resources.

Bugs, typos, and feature requests submitted from in-game are posted to the Reporter project.

Latest news

Reporter: Internet Service interrupted due to weather
Unable to connect to the MUD.
Added by Hilapdatus about 4 years ago

Reporter: 'last' command is operational again
Added by Hilapdatus over 4 years ago

Reporter: Tracking -- enabled and enhanced
Added by Hilapdatus over 4 years ago

Reporter: Intermud3 Back in Action
Added by Hilapdatus over 4 years ago

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