Bug #184
openRuntime in WieldCheck() of ^/MishasCottage/items/betestaff.c
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Misha Kiy severed my right hand where I had my staff. I picked up the hand, went to tranquility, restore my hand. Then I tried to rewield the staff and puff, the staff was destroyed.
I know that the staff has some code that we can not double wield it. But I never had it twice in the first place.
Seems that Misha's sever hand did not remove the staff from my body and when I tried to rewield it, I had a clone version on my.
*Bad argument 1 to all_inventory() Expected: object Got: 0. Object: <none> (/lib/clean.c) at line 49 '<fake>' at /secure/save/players/v/vir (/<driver>) at /(fake):0 'cmdAll' at /secure/save/players/v/vir (/lib/command.c) at line 88 'do_wield_obj' at /verbs/items/wield at line 123 'eventWield' at <none> (/lib/weapon.c) at line 327 '<fake>' at <none> (/<driver>) at /(fake):0 'WieldCheck' at <none> (/domains/MishasCottage/items/betestaff.c) at line 51 'eventDestruct' at <none> (/lib/item.c) at line 206 'eventDestruct' at <none> (/lib/object.c) at line 244 'eventDestruct' at <none> (/lib/clean.c) at line 49
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